취업/이직 준비하시는 프로그래머/엔지니어 분들~ 트위터가 옵니다 짹짹

짹짹 :bird: 따끈 따끈해라

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Health As a Service (HAAS) 쪽으로 많이 뽑네요? 트위터 신사업 하나요? 여기 병원 쪽 프로그래머 분 계셨던 것 같은데…

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찾아보니까 헬스라기보다 좀 더 광범위한 (추상적인) 느낌이네요 ㅋㅋ

At Twitter, we consider it our responsibility to foster a healthy public conversation, inclusive and open to everyone in the world who wants to join.

The mission of the Health organization at Twitter is to maximize safety and minimize societal & individual harm for everyone. This aligns with our company’s #1 priority growing the collective health, openness, and civility of public conversation.

As part of the Health org, our team enables Twitter to launch new products at a lightening speed, with Health capabilities out of the box. A recent example being the Fleets launch on Twitter. We embody automation in every aspect of our processes, and enable velocity (not just speed) when launching Twitter products.

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넷플릭스도 오고, 포드도 오고, 트위터도 옵니당!! :clap: :clap: :clap: 개발자 분들 좋으시겠어영~

@Namza 포드 옥빌에 2024년부터 전기차 공장 열고 가동시킵니다 지원 ㄱㄱ

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이런걸 물어보네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 신기하게도

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역쉬 샌프란 회사… 데이터 프로그래밍 좌아ㅏㅏ앙 돌린다음에 셀렉하나요 ㅋㅋㅋ 우리 에뜨닉 마이너리티/여성분들 등등 이 기회를 잡읍시다~~!!!

근데 at the same time… 왜 넣으라는 거죠 if they are an equal opportunity employer…ㅋㅋ