Dialogue Health set to price TSX IPO

Dialogue Health 가 곧 IPO 예정이라고 하네요 전 흥미있는 분야라 좀 모니터링을 해볼 예정입니당

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개인적으로 롱텀으로는 팬데믹이 끝나도 텔레헬스쪽은 유망할거라고 보지만…

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AMWL 가지고 있는 1인으로써 착잡하네요 ㅜ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 힘내 데이빗ㄷ ㅜㅜ

Telemedicine startup Dialogue Health set to price TSX IPO after landing more than $1-billion in orders for its stock

Montreal telemedicine company Dialogue Health Technologies Inc. is expected to price its impending initial public offering near the top end of its target range of $9 to $12 a share after receiving strong demand from investors during the deal’s marketing period.

The company, which set out earlier this month to raise $100-million in an offering on the Toronto Stock Exchange, received more than $1-billion worth of orders for the stock from investors, making it 10-times oversubscribed, two sources familiar with the transaction said. The company closed the book on orders from investors mid-Monday.

The Globe and Mail is not disclosing the identities of the sources because they are not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

In its most recent revised prospectus Dialogue said it planned to issue between 8.33 million and 11.11 million common shares in the $9 to $12 range. The company’s underwriters also have a right to buy $15-million worth of stock at the issue price from some of the company’s shareholders.

Based on the number of common shares outstanding, the proposed offering would value Dialogue at upwards of $500-million before the financing. The company’s two largest shareholders, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada and White Star Capital’s Fund VI, own a combined 31.49 per cent of the company’s stock. The five year-old company has raised more than $100-million in venture capital to date.

Dialogue, led by chief executive officer Cherif Habib, chief product officer Anna Chif and chief technology officer Alexis Smirnov, is testing investor appetites for new Canadian technology issues at a time when stocks of digital companies have been subject to volatility.

The offering is being led by National Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia and Toronto-Dominion Bank. The rest of the underwriting syndicate includes CIBC World Markets, Desjardins Securities, Canaccord Genuity, iA Private Wealth, INFOR Financial and Laurentian Bank Securities. Dialogue will trade under the ticker symbol CARE. The company expects the offering to close this month

Dialogue’s preliminary prospectus reveals it has experienced explosive growth, owing largely to the pandemic. Revenue from the company’s online health service in 2020 nearly tripled to $29-million from $10.1-million in 2019. That was up from $4-million in 2018. The service is now available to 2.5 million Canadians and their dependents, offered through four of Canada’s five largest group insurers. Dialogue lost $20.5-million in 2020, compared with a $12-million loss in 2019.

Total revenue reached $35.8-million in 2020 after Dialogue last year purchased Argumed Consulting Group GmbH, a German provider of occupational health and safety services, and Optima Global Health Inc., a Canadian employee-assistance-program seller. Annual recurring revenue was at a rate of $60-million early this year.

Valuations for public tech companies have skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic as people sheltering at home increasingly turned to online tools for shopping, workplace communications, training – and medical consultations.

The Globe first reported last summer that Dialogue was considering going public. Since then, several Canadian tech companies have hired bankers or filed to go public. Many initially met with a warm investor response in what has shaped up to be the busiest period for IPOs since the dot-com boom, though tech shares have eased off in recent weeks. MindBeacon Holdings Inc., a smaller and earlier-stage company than Dialogue offering online mental-health services, raised $65-million in a highly oversubscribed IPO in December. Industry observers believe Toronto telemedicine startup Maple Corp. could also be a near-term IPO candidate.


전 이쪽에 문외한인데 뭔가 업계분이 직접 말씀하시니 더 관심이 가네요! 개인적으로 잘은 모르지만 텔레헬스쪽 정말 유망하다고 생각하는데요… 감사합니다!

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혹시 ICT/순수(?)테크 쪽 vs. 헬스쪽 주식 포트폴리오 비율 여쭤봐도 될까요? 헬스 항상 관심은 있는데 너무 몰라서 손대기가 무서워요…

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저도 막 엄청 ㅋㅋㅋ 잘 아는건 아닌데요 그냥 관심을 가지고 보고는 있어요.
저는 팬데믹 전에는 나름 well balanced portfolio 였는데요 팬데믹 후에는 많은 분들이 그렇듯 ㅋㅋ 테크비율이 엄청 높아졌어요 사실 작년 3월 dip 했을때 더 산것도 있긴하지만 오르면 오르는데로 rebalance 따로 안하고 내버려뒀더니 지금 현재 포트폴리오에 80% 가 됬… 허헣 헬스는 현재 한 6-7% 밖에 안되네요 (AMWL 포함- 이건 사실 테크/ 헬스 중간에 걸쳐져 있는 회사죠). 나머지는 짜투리 oil/gas/ retail /silver 등이 있습니다. 펜데믹끝나며 조정 좀 들어가고 다시 포트폴리오 rebalance 하면 테크 비율이 줄겠지만 그래도 제일 majority 일거 같긴해요 wassup 님은 우케 하고 계신가요

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너무 재밌네요! 저도 당근 테크 몰빵 ㅠㅠ + 에캔… 입니다. Diversify하고 싶지만 역시나 작년 3월 부터 테크와 에어 캐나다 줍줍하기 시작했구요… 후회하지는 않으나… 제가 테크 전문가 또한 아니라서 항상 좀 불안합니다 ㅋㅋ

근데 뭐가 뜬다~ 라고 하면 그 뒤에 뒷받침된 마켓을 보라고 하는 것 처럼… 요즘 세상에 테크 기반이 아닌 곳이 없잖아요?

워렌 버펫이 여러가지 잘 할 필요 없고 딱 한 가지만 확신을 가지고 알면 된다고 했는데… 저같은 무지랭이가 멋모르고 기웃거리다 오히려 시간+돈낭비 될게 뻔해서 우량주 비율이 높은 상태입니다. 다만 나같은 무지랭이도 테크가 산업의 뒷받침이라는 것을 아는데 옆집 초딩도 알고 있는게 아닐지… 그렇게 되면 제가 버블 시장에 뛰어든 건 아닌지… 근데 계속 hold만 할거면 그게 상관이나 있는 것인지… ㅋㅋㅋ 제가 생각이 너무 많나요?


제 생각이 바로 이생각입니닼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ PE ratio 보면 over-valuation 이 된게 확실한데 옆집 초딩도 테크가 핫하다고 생각하는 이와중에 stock price 는 실제 회사가치보다는 기대하는 가치가 많이 들어가있으니까 괜찮은것이 아닌가- 팬데믹 와중에 새로 주식시장에 처음 뛰어든 사람들이 굉장히 많은데 그 자본이 다 테크로 갔자나요 엄청난 호황시장만 경험해봐서 조금이라도 조정이오거나 안좋은 뉴스에 다 패닉셀 하는게 아닌가… 아님 심지어 그냥 스테이블 한 마켓에서도 100% 이상 이윤나는걸 쫓아서 돈이 수시로 왓다갓다 하는것이 아닌가… gme/amc 사태가 빈번히 일어나는 갬블링 판이 되는것이아닌가ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 생각만 많아지네요 결국엔 쫄보라서 암것도 못하고 안팔거면서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이거 완전 맞아요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

호오 Portage VC가 뒤에 있네요… Dialogue Health는 모르는 스타트업이었는데 흥미롭네요! 본사가 모레알에 있군요. 저도 같이 모니터링 ㅋㅋ