20-30대들은 언제쯤 코로나19 백신 맞을 수 있을까요?

정말 9월까지 전 국민 접종이 가능할까요? 백신 종류를 선택할 순 없겠쪙…


제 gut feeling으로는 캐나다 정부는 항상 underpromise하는 경향이 있어요. 떵떵 소리치는 자신감이 역사적으로 부족한건지 일단 굉장히 보수적인 promise를 하고 시간이 지나고 보면 아 그래도 그 때 잘 했어~ 싶은 사건들이 꽤 있었습니다 (걍 제 지극히 주관적인 생각…) 9월까지 접종 가능하리라 봅니다 (전 트뤼도는 안좋아해도 캐나다 정부를 믿습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ) 백신 종류를 선택할 수는 없을 것 같네요 ㅠ 여기까지 캐나다 거주 2n년 뇌피셜 흰둥이었습니다… (전문가 아님 주의)


저두 맞긴 하겠다라는 느낌은 있어요 (느낌일 뿐임 ㅋㅋ) 백신 종류 선택하고 싶은데 말이 안되겠져 ^^ 제 미국 칭구들은 벌써 화이쟈 맞았더라구여

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넵 선생님들의 소중한 의견 항상 감사합니다~ㅎㅎ 좋은 주말되세요


과연 9월까지 이 글이 성지가 될 지 캐나다의 수치가 될 지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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저희 학교는 어제 학교의 모든 학생 및 직원들에게 4월 중순부터 놓아줄 계획이라고 연락 왔습니다!
역시 미국의 물량공세는 대단하군요.


아래 같은 얘기도 있더라구요.

Why you can’t compare Covid-19 vaccines


공유 감사합니다 너무 재미있었어요

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몇몇 의료진과 상담하고 얻은 저의 정보로는 어떤 종류의 백신이든 다 같은 백신이라고 해요.
Astrazeneca는 Brexit 의 영향으로 political reasons 덕분에 안좋은 평들이 많이 도는 것 같다는 이야기도 있어요. 어떤 백신이든 available 할때 맞는게 좋다는 전문가의 의견 전해드립니다.


네. 그런 것 같더라구요.
저희 남편도 전에는 화이자 백신 맞고 싶다더니 위에 동영상 보고나서는, “다른 백신 맞아도 되네. 몰랐어.” 이러더라구요.

ㅠ_ㅠ 이유가멀까영



굉장히 rare하긴한데 유럽에서 맞은사람 엄청 소수가 blood clot이(cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or C.V.S.T., and disseminated intravascular coagulation, or D.I.C.) 발생해서 그런듯 합니다. 이 혈전이 death로 이어진 케이스도 몇 있다고 하네요.
아직 Causal link가 확실하게 컨펌된건 아니라고 하는데 아무래도 overly cautious 한 regulatory step이지 싶어요. 발생한 혈전이 55세미만 여성에게 제일 frequent하게 나타난다는 데이타가 있어서 일단 스톱한거 같구요. 이것 때문에 다른 백신대비 safety profile이 조금 안좋게 여겨져서 그런건데 완전히 permanently halt, 라기보다 좀더 data 연구후에 다시 결정 내리지 않을까싶네요.

개인적으로 저는 당연히 안전성을 더 철저하게 점검하고 distribute하는게 맞다 생각하지만 한편으로 이거 때문에 맞는 속도가 더뎌질것 같아 걱정이에요 ㅠㅠ 아무래도 distribution도 다른 mRNA기반 백신보다 쉽고 (storage가 쉬운점) 물량도 준비되있는 상태에서 이 백신을 제외하게 되면 맞는 속도가 줄텐데… 팬데믹과의 속도 게임인데 걱정이네요.


아 그렇군요… 캐나다 백신 자체생산 계획있던데 그건 언제쯤 완공될라나 몰르겠네엽… 노바백신이 빨리 생산되던가… 모더나 화이자가 더 많이 들어오등가… back to normal 기원합니다… stay safe~~ ㅠ.ㅜ


Globe and Mail 에디토리얼 입니당.

AstraZeneca COVID 19 Vaccines and the Issue of Trust

If you asked Canadians if they wanted the AstraZeneca vaccine, a lot would say no. And it wouldn’t be because they were vaccine hesitant.

It would be because AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company producing the low-cost vaccine developed by Oxford University, has repeatedly mishandled the delicate process of proving the safety and efficacy of shots destined to be put into a billion arms. And it’s also because Canada’s health experts are doing their job.

As Caroline Quach-Thanh, head of Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), put it on Monday, the AstraZeneca vaccine seems to have been “born under not a good star.

Its latest setback came Monday, when NACI unexpectedly recommended that AstraZeneca not be given to people under 55 until there is more information about its possible link to a tiny handful of potentially fatal blood clot cases in Europe that seem to strike younger people.

What you need to know if you’re offered the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine


Barely 10 days earlier, on March 18, Health Canada had said it was aware of the blood clot issue, but that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine outweighed any risks and that it should be given to people 18 and up.

On the surface, it was a confusing reversal. And it came after earlier worries that the vaccine wasn’t proven safe for people over 65 because AstraZeneca’s Phase 3 trials included only a small percentage of older test subjects.

Canada at first limited the use of AstraZeneca to people between 18 and 64, but real-world evidence from Britain, where 30 million people have received at least one dose, demonstrated that it was safe and effective for all ages, prompting NACI on March 16 to recommend its use on people 18 and up.

AstraZeneca’s research came into question again on March 22, when it said a preliminary analysis of two doses on 32,449 adults in the United States, Peru and Chile showed that it had a 79-per-cent effectiveness rate.

That was immediately challenged by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which accused AstraZeneca of using data from February to reach its conclusion, and that more recent numbers indicated an efficacy of between 69 and 74 per cent.

It wasn’t a huge discrepancy. AstraZeneca subsequently incorporated the newer data and said its final result showed a 76-per-cent efficacy.

But the damage to the company’s reputation was done. So when NACI suddenly recommended a pause on AstraZeneca because of blood clots, for many it was the last straw.

Is AstraZeneca safe or not? And what of Canadians who’ve already received it? Are they at risk of a scary side effect known as vaccine-induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VIPIT)?

The answer is that AstraZeneca is safe. Other countries besides Canada have paused its use for younger adults while the blood clots are investigated. But the threat remains minuscule – there’s never been a case linked to the vaccine in Canada – and, now that the risk has been identified, anyone who develops symptoms can be safely treated.

NACI and Health Canada still say AstraZeneca is safe for vulnerable people in high-risk groups – those over 65 or who suffer from other health issues – because any risks are outweighed by the benefits.

Part of the rationale for pausing it for people under 55 is that they are at far lower risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms, or of dying, than people over 55, and that there is little to lose by waiting for more information about the link between the vaccine and VIPIT.

NACI’s rationale also takes into account the fact that the AstraZeneca vaccine, some of which is being made in India under the name Covishield, is not Canada’s primary source of doses. The vast majority – about 90 per cent – come from Pfizer and Moderna.

By coincidence, Ottawa announced on Tuesday that Pfizer is increasing its deliveries to Canada in June by five million doses. Ottawa now expects to receive more than 30 million doses from Pfizer and Moderna by the end of June.

Pausing AstraZeneca for people under 55 makes sense when all the factors, risks and benefits are weighed. Canadians’ wariness is understandable, but the fact that NACI is erring on the side of precaution should be reassuring to anyone who has received the vaccine, or is offered it.


화이자 다음물량이 6월에 들어온다고 들어서. 현재는 아스트라 제네카 물량이 제일 많은거같아요. 4월부터 60세 이상 백신 등록 계획이라는데 정확히는 며칠 기다려봐야 알거같네요.

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저는 오늘 학교에서 화이자 맞았습니다.
맞은 부위가 뻐근한 거 빼곤 아무 문제 없는 거 같습니다.
3주 후에 2차 맞는데 그 때가 좀더 걱정입니다.



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커뮤 분들 모두 잘 맞으셨나요? ㅋㅋ 신규 확진자 엄청나게 감소했네요~~!

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역시 백신의 효과인가봐요!
저도 다행히 회사에서 날짜를 당길수 있어서 내일 2차 백신 맞으러 가요.
이렇게 더 당길 수 있을지 모르고 어제 새벽 6시반에 팝업 백신 맞는 곳에 갔더니 이미 수백명이 줄을 서 있어서 그냥 돌아왔네요.ㅎㅎ

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